Examining Hogeweyk
Regenerating areas of terraced housing into lively street environments would implant new employment opportunities and essential community services into areas where they are most needed to re-establish communities.
An urban care village would bring with it a specialist dementia care hub able to support the surrounding elderly community, providing them with a realistic alternative to being moved from their family context.
Regenerating areas of terraced housing into lively street environments would implant new employment opportunities and essential community services into areas where they are most needed to re-establish communities.
Local amenities such as a grocery shops, sub post offices and cafes are absent from many areas of existing terraced housing where historically these places would have been served by numerous small shops, workshops and service industries which provided social cohesion and a sense of place. It stands to reason that the reintroduction of small businesses to serve local communities will play a crucial role in supporting an increasingly aging population.